Wednesday, February 7, 2024

E.S. pen+siv e i o Link72

E.S. = Eternal Sunset
E.S. pen+siv e i o Link72
pen+sive sivi sivo 7.2.2024

Consciousness (Live from São Paulo)

"I am excited to announce that ISF's NEW website is launching soon. The team has been working on a brand new website which will be featuring even more unified physics, engaging educational content, from articles and vlogs to ISF events and updates. Stay tuned!"--Nassim Haramein 7.2.2024

"It was a Pythagorean axiom 
that no man ever 
graduates from 
school of life. 
He is a student to the end, 
and in his last breath he may still learn.”
~ Manly P. Hall ~

:::: Artist :::: J. Augustus Knapp ::::