Sunday, June 26, 2022

Seth Speaks Today

~ Astral Van Travelers = A.V.T. = T.V.A. ~
Seth Speaks Today = S.S.T. = 19.19.20.
Quersumme 19+19+20 = 58
is the
June 2022
I was introduced to this book when I was 17 years old/young by the son of a Serbian diplomat from Belgrade, who was born in Moscow (Russia) & studied Medicine here @ the MHH (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover). To make some cash he worked for my father while he was a student. The most fascinating thing for me was the concept of reincarnation & I knew immediately that rebirth is a reality. I simply felt it in my heart. I got my hands on this book in a library, to be more precise @ the Stadtbibliothek Hannover :::: In the year 2000 I bought this book & partly read it again in an ICE Train from Hannover to Vienna. I was on my way to the capital of Austria to meet an old friend of mine who studied EEIT in the USA. His father was a diplomat too (who studied politics) & he was a good friend of my dad while he worked in Hannover for 4 years. In the year 2000 he was the OSCE representative of Bosnia & Herzegovina. He was a Serb from a village close to Gradiška just like my dad. The man who sparked my interest in the SETH book series said that the meaning of life is Love & Creativity.
Cafe & Bar Celona
M.M. = My Mother
Ljiljana M. from Karlovac, Croatia
is my mom's best friend here in Hannover since the 1990s.
Ljilja+n+a (Lily in English) is married to a Serb from Croatia (his name is Mile).
:::: P.C. = Photo Credit :::: Vladimir Gvozden ::::

Ljilja is a Croat & has 2 daughters with Mile. Her daughter Maša came with her baby to my mother's birthday dinner 5 days ago. My mother is now (since 21.6.2022) 72 years young/old & she decided to invite us to the Cafe & Bar Celona in Hannover's Südstadt were she lives. Maša also lives in the Südstadt & she's a Lawyer/Advocate (graduated @ Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) like her German husband. Besides my mother on this photo is my father's sister Božana Gvozden (69 years young/old). She kept her last name when she got married to a Bavarian in 1986 in Bielefeld, where both of them studied Economy @ the FH. My mother was always one of the best students in her school & her wish was to become a dentist, but her family could not afford it to let her study in Belgrade & that's why she decided to become a dental technician. Ljilja's other daughter Maja studied machine engineering @ the University of Applied Sciences & Arts in Hannover (HsH). She works @ BOSCH & has a daughter with an African, but does not live in Hannover anymore. In 2002 I also wanted to leave Hannover to study Physics in Heidelberg. My mother was supportive of this idea, but my father thought that it is a bad idea & I came to the conclusion that he is right. After I finished school (Abitur/Allgemeine Hochschulreife) I was not sure if I should study history or electrical engineering, because I was interested in both subjects for various reasons. After I started to study E.E. I felt that it would be better to study Media Technology (Medientechnik) @ the FH in Hamburg & that's why I completed an internship (3 months) @ a small camera team company owned by 2 brothers here in Hannover. It was a nice experience & we traveled to Braunschweig & to Hamburg & after a while it brought me to the conclusion, that I should stick with E.E. since i liked the fact that our FH in Hannover (now HsH) decided to call our faculty E.E.I.T. :::: We had 4 paths to chose ::::
1.) Energy Engineering :::: Energietechnik ::::
2.) Communications Engineering :::: Nachrichtentechnik ::::
3.) Information Technology :::: Informationstechnik ::::
4.) Engineer Computer Science :::: Ingenieurinformatik ::::
Post Scriptum = P.S. = S.P. = Signal Processing 
Signal Processing was+is+will be interesting to me & music was a hobby since my childhood & that's why I decided to chose communications engineering as my area of specialization. Audio Technology was always fascinating to me. I had a commodore computer since 1986 when I was 9 years young+old & in 1992 I started to use my second commodore computer (which I had since 1990) as an 8-bit-sampler & in 1996 I upgraded my third computer, a P.C. with a 16-bit-44.1-kHz-CD-Quality Sound Blaster AWE 32 SoundCard & I added 8 MB RAM (Random Access Memory) to the soundcard.
The Alchemy of Sound
Telepathic Audio Alchemy = T.A.A.
:::: Abitur 1997  :::: 19+97 :::: 1+9+9+7 = 26 = Z ::::
LeistungsKurs (LK) :::: Biologie / Biology
LeistungsKurs (LK) :::: Kunst / Art
PrüfungsKurs (PK) :::: Deutsch / German
PrüfungsKurs (PK) :::: Geschichte / History

Tuesday, June 14, 2022


~ X ~
P. = Pyramids
:::: White X on Blue Background ::::
"11 stone pyramids are located at the Balmoral Estate in Deeside, Scotland, and one pyramid at the nearby Birkhall estate. Cairns commemorates members of the British royal family and events in their lives, most of the pyramids were erected on the order of Queen Victoria. The largest pyramid was erected by Victoria in memory of her husband Prince Albert after his death in 1861. The pyramid of stones is marked by an engraved slate plaque with the initials of the Queen and the date made by the carver Gillian Forbes."
 ~ T.S.S. = They Say So 
:::: H.H.W.W. = Hannover Hamburg Wisdom Warrior ::::
Z = 26 = 14.12. = N.L. = Next Lifetime
Supermond 2022. Die Basilika Mariä Heimsuchung in Olomouc in Tschechien.

Die barocke Wallfahrtskirche mit ihrer zweitürmigen Stirnseite dominiert stark die Landschaft in der Gegend von Olomouc. An den Kirchenbau schließen Seitenflügel mit einer Attika an, die Statuen von zwölf Aposteln und zwei Heiligen – des hl. Sebastian und des hl. Roch – trägt. Hinter der Kirche befinden sich ein Kreuzgang und die Kapelle der Jungfrau Maria. Die einschiffige Kirchenhalle ist im mittleren Teil von einer massiven Kuppel überwölbt. Längs des Schiffes befinden sich Seitenkapellen. An der Verzierung des Kircheninterieurs beteiligten sich viele hiesige und ausländische Maler, Stuckateure und Bildhauer. Jan Kryštof Handke bemalte die Pendentifs der Kuppel mit Allegorien der vier Erdteile. In einer der Seitenkapellen befindet sich Handkes Gemälde des hl. Augustinus, eines der besten Werke des Malers. Neben dem Bild des hl. Josefs von Tobiáš Pocek sollten wir auch das Altarbild am Hauptaltar von dem venedigorientierten Johann Spillenberg erwähnen. An dem Totaleindruck der inneren Verzierung der Kirche beteiligten sich in hohem Maße auch die Bildhauer Josef Winterhalter, Jiří Antonín Heinz und Michael Zürn. Dieser prachtvollen Kirche wurde im Mai 1995 von Papst Johannes Paul II. der Ehrentitel Basilika minor verliehen.

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” — Carl Gustav Jung
:::::::: Angelic Realities 14.06.2022 @ 6:33 ::::::::
:::: Angelic Realities :::: The Survival Handbook ::::
is a collection of summary charts & condensations of information from Ashayana's workshops covering important topics on Angelic Visitors & Human Contact with them.
Angelic Realities 1999 (((( Down to Earth ))))