Friday, June 10, 2022


C.O.A. 岩国市 & Flag of Iwakuni, Yamaguchi, Japan.
I just took a photo of my book MATHEMATIK (German) on my balcony, sincerly, Vladimir Gvozden

The paradox at the heart of mathematics: Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem

[ from Greek μάθημα (máthēma) "knowledge, study, learning" ]
has its roots in Natural Philosophy
[ φιλοσοφία (philosophia) "love of wisdom" ].

Dr. Kurt Gödel's I.T. (((( I.T. = Incompleteness Theorem )))) lead me to the thought, that mathematics alone can not describe the nature of our reality in this universe/multiverse/cosmos. Symmetry is a natural thing in mathematics & nature in general. Densities are levels of consciousness. The terminologies “Densities” & “Dimensions” of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (M.C.E.O.) & the RA-Material ‘The Law Of One' are slightly different, but in the end they mean the same & completely correlate, because the 8 “Densities” of the RA-Material ‘The Law of One’ are simply just the first 8 “Dimensions” of the M.C.E.O. terminology. The 5 “Densities” of the M.C.E.O. terminology represent the 5 Harmonic Universes [HU-n (for n=1,2,3,4,5)] & one of the 5 Harmonic Universes includes 3 “Dimensions” (“Densities" in the RA-Material ‘The Law of One’) of a (3x5=15) 15D-Time-Space Matrix. Both, M.C.E.O. & the RA-collective represent ‘The Law of One’ from slightly different perspectives, which complement & enrich each other. The RA-Material describes the lower Octave of the Chakra System which can be visualized withing the Rainbow Color Spectrum & the M.C.E.O. describes both, the upper & the lower Octave. The center point of all union where both Octaves meet is 8D. The Guardians that uphold the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One may refer to the center point as the Yunasai.

Symmetry is a natural in Sacred Geometry, Mathematics & Nature: 

I gathered from the correlation of both perspectives (RA & M.C.E.O.), 
The Symmetry with the Source of Creation 
in the center [7(Lower)+1(Source)+7(Upper)]:
1D-7D = 7 Lower Dimensions of Microcosmic Evolution:
[Incarnate (1D,2D,3D), Soul (4D,5D & 6D) & LowerOversoul (7D)]

8D = Source = Oneness of Creation:
= Intelligent Infinite God-Source Energy
= Oversoul Core + Higher Self Gate (Creation Source)
= Monadic Yunasai Eckasha God-Seed-Source
of the one Infinite Intelligent Unconditionally
Loving Prime-Creator-God-Source-Consciousness-Energy

9D-15D = 7 Upper Dimensions 
of Macrocosmic Evolution: Upper Oversoul 
9D (Etheric Planetary Consciousness Level) &
Universal Pre-Matter 
10D (Solar) & 11D (Galactic) & 12D (Universal) & 
Universal Pre-Light 
13D+14D+15D = Solar Martix Domain

1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D = Lower Octave (Microcosmic Evolution)

8D = Center Point of All Union / Singularity Point of Symmerty / Yunasai

8D, 9D,10D, 11D, 12D, 13D, 14D, 15D = Upper Octave (Macrocosmic Evolution)

Sincerely, Vladimir Gvozden

:::: p.s. = post scriptum ::::

“Everything is dual. Everything has poles. Everything has its pair of opposites. Like and unlike are the same. Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree. Extremes meet. All truths are but half-truths. All paradoxes may be reconciled.” ~ The Kybalion (Chapter X)

HU-n (for n = 1,2,3,4,5)

HU-1 (Matter Domain)

Incarnate Mind [1D, 2D, 3D]

Matter Wave Base / Root Mind / Muladhara Chakra

1D Red Ray Energies

(Alchemical Earth) #111

Biologic Sexual / Emotional Mind / Svadhisthana Chakra

2D Orange Ray Energies

(Alchemical Water) #222

Ego Conscious Reasoning Will / Ego Mind / Manipura Chakra

3D Yellow Ray Energies

(Alchemical Fire) #333

HU-2 (Semi-Etheric Domain)

Superconscious Mind a.k.a. Dora (Soul Matrix) [4D, 5D, 6D]

Astral Intelligence & Emotional Heart Mind / Anahata Chakra

4D Gree Ray Energies

(Alchemical Air) #444

Archetypal Communication Mind / Vishuddha Chakra

5D Blue Ray Energies

(5th Element of Alchemy) #555

Celestial Angelic Mind / Ajna Chakra

6D Indigo Ray Energies

(Third Eye) #666

HU-3 (Etheric Domain)

Higher Level Source-Gate Mind / Oversoul [7D, 8D, 9D]

Higher Pure Consciousness (Lower Oversoul Mind) / Sahasrara Chakra

7D Violet Ray Energies

(7th Seal Purification) #777

Higher Self Gate (God-Seed-Source / Oversoul Core)

8D Golden Ray Energies

(Central Spirit Source / God / Prime Creator / Yunasai) #888

Planetary Collective Consciousness (Upper Oversoul Mind / Gaia)

9D Silver Ray Energies

(Above Rainbow Color Spectrum / Upper Octave) #999

HU-4 (Pre-Matter Domain)

Universal Cosmic Level Mind / Christos Avatar [10D, 11D, 12D]

Solar System Consciousness Level (Christos Mind)

10D Blue-Black Ray Energies

(Above Rainbow Color Spectrum / Upper Octave) #101010 (#AAA)

Galactic Consciousness Level (Buddha Mind)

11D Silver-Black Ray Energies

(Above Rainbow Color Spectrum / Upper Octave) #111111 (#BBB)

Universal Consciousness Level (Nirvana Mind)

12D White Ray Energies

(Above Rainbow Color Spectrum / Upper Octave) #121212 (#CCC)

HU-5 (Pre-Light Domain)

Multiversal Cosmic Level / Rishi Mind (Solar Matrix) [13D, 14D, 15D]

Blue Flame (Blue-White Ray)

13D Turquoise Ray Energies

(Above Rainbow Color Spectrum / Upper Octave) #131313 (#DDD)

Gold Flame (Yellow-Golden-White Ray)

14D Pale Yellow Ray Energies

(Above Rainbow Color Spectrum / Upper Octave) #141414 (#EEE)

Violet Flame (Violet-White Ray)

15D Magenta-Pink Ray Energies

(Above Rainbow Color Spectrum / Upper Octave) #151515 (#FFF)

In White Rooms = I.W.R. 
In Green Rooms = I.G.R.
D.Z.L. = Društvo Zelenih Ljudi
D+Z+L = 4+26+12 = 42
Real Star Wars + Theatrical Version = R.S.W. +T.V.
R.S.W.+T.V. = (18+19+23)+(20+22)
(((( E.S.P. = Ending Scence Prayer ))))
E+L+I = 5+12+9 = 17+9 = Q+9 = 26 = Z
E.Q. = 5+17 = 22 (((( 22 means LIGHT in biblical numerology ))))
(8+8+8)+(8+8) = 24+16 = X+P = XP
A.S.Q. = Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Quote
Warrior Goddess M.J. = Half Serb (paternal) + Half Russian (maternal)
Some Street Art = S.S.A. = 39 = U.R. = Underground Resistance
:::: Srbija Danas TV Tanjug Live @ 10.6.2022 ::::

 MATLAB (an abbreviation of "MATrix LABoratory"is a
and numeric computing environment 
developed by MathWorks.

Vladimir Gvozden (((( Selfie )))) 13.4.2012
Animus & Anima @

"...Now a queen's a queen and a stunt is a stunt
You can tell who's who
by the things
they want..."
~ Jeru The Damaja

S+P+D = 19+16+4 = 39 = U.R. = Underground Resistance
:::: Ogledalo (Serbian) = Spiegel (German) = Mirror (English) ::::
Selfie 2022 :::: Me, Myself  & I, Vladimir Gvozden, in the Zen Garden.

Burg Iwakuni

in Iwakuni


"Eine der bekanntesten Sehenswürdigkeiten in Iwakuni ist die prächtige weiße Burg, die den Berg Shiroyama krönt. Obwohl die Burg Iwakuni Jahrhunderte alt zu sein scheint, wurde sie erst im Jahr 1962 erbaut. Tatsächlich handelt es sich bei der Burg um eine sorgfältige Rekonstruktion des Originals, das 1608 fertiggestellt und sieben Jahre später zerstört wurde. Dies geschah nicht aufgrund eines Krieges, sondern aufgrund eines Erlasses des Shogunats, der nur eine einzige Burg pro Provinz erlaubte. Wanderwege und eine Seilbahn führen zu dieser großartigen Nachbildung der Burg. Von den oberen Stockwerken aus haben die Besucher einen weiten Blick auf die Stadt unter ihnen. Der Panoramablick zeigt ein weiteres historisches Juwel von Iwakuni: die Kintai-Brücke. Die Brücke, die den Nishiki-Fluss überspannt, wurde 1673 erbaut und wie die darüber liegende Burg sorgfältig rekonstruiert, um ihre Schönheit und ihren Ruhm zu erhalten." ~

:::: Biblical Numerology & Latin Alphanumeric Sorting :::: 
1  (A)  :::: Unity :::: 
2  (B)  :::: Division :::: 
3  (C)  :::: Divine Completion :::: 
4  (D)  :::: Creation & Creative Works :::: 
5  (E)  :::: Human Grace :::: 
6  (F)  :::: Evils of Satan :::: 
7  (G) :::: Spiritual Perfection ::::
8  (H) :::: New Beginnings ::::
9   (I)  :::: Fruit of the Spirit ::::
10 (J)  :::: Law & Responsibility ::::
11 (K) :::: Disorder & Judgement ::::
12 (L) :::: Governmental Perfection ::::
13 (M) :::: Rebellion & Apostasy & Depravity ::::
14 (N) :::: Salvation ::::
15 (O) :::: Rest ::::
16 (P) :::: Love ::::
17 (Q) ::::Victory ::::
18 (R) :::: Bondage ::::
19 (S) :::: Faith ::::
20 (T) :::: Redemption ::::
21 (U) :::: Sin ::::
22 (V) :::: Light ::::
23 (W) :::: Death ::::
24 (X) :::: Priesthood ::::
25 (Y) :::: Choice ::::
26 (Z) :::: Gospel of Christ ::::
27 Preaching of the Gospel ::::
28 Eternal Life & Eternal Validity of the Soul ::::
29 Departure ::::
30 Dedication & Blood of Christ ::::
31 Offspring ::::
32 Covenant ::::
33 Promise ::::
34 Naming of a Son ::::
35 Hope ::::
36 Enemy :::
37 Word of God ::::
38 Slavery ::::
39 Disease ::::
40 Test & Trial & Probation ::::
42 Israel's Oppression & First Advent ::::
44 Judgement of the World ::::
45 Preservation ::::
50 Holy Spirit & Pentecost ::::
100 Children of the Promise ::::
144 A Spirit guided Life ::::
666 Anti-Christ ::::
777 Christ ::::
888 Holy Spirit ::::
Reptilian Alien = R.A.