Friday, March 8, 2024

Irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann

:::: Ellen Price (1909) as The Little Mermaid @The Royal Danish Ballet ::::
💫                 Love is the water of life.                 ðŸ’–😇💖
::::   The Little Mermaid   ::::   Iconic tourist attraction in Copenhagen, Denmark   ::::
Syrenka  Warszawska   #POL.ska Warszawa   #COA
            Poljska (Serbian) = Poland ( English)            
           Danska (Serbian) = Denmark (Englsh)           
cico maco vodi nas prema vodi (Serbian)
sweet kitten lead us to the water (English)
cica maca veli: "molim?"
a mi: pun kurac imamo vodke ali nemamo vode
Oliver K9. = Oliver T. = Oliver Twist
T.N.T. = Tri Nove Tete :::: Jako Fine Cice Mace
Hi Folks, I read this book as a teenager. Enjoy your day (or night).
A new hope (English) = Nova nada (Serbian)
Nix is German slang for nichts
which means nada in
joj super neka nova supernova
"Erforschen Nix+a oder e"--Oli K.
"She’s real, she’s deep, she’s logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance and magic. She’s sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She’s fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She’s the artist, the thinker, the poem, and the dream."🦋Creig Crippen
"Oh yeah sweartheart :D first 69 & then COWGIRLLet's do it!"--Oliver Korunac
Krava (Serbian) = Kuh (German) = Cow (English)

"Die Welt ist Illusion. Doch wie entsteht sie? Und was ist unser Platz darin? Kommen Sie mit auf eine Reise in die Tiefen des »Kaninchenbaus«, zur Heiligen Geometrie, und lernen Sie die Matrix hinter unserer Welt kennen. Erfahren Sie alle mythischen Traditionen über die Mer-Ka-Ba als Thronwagen, himmlisches Pferd und geheimnisvolles Dimensionsfahrzeug. Entdecken Sie schließlich das größte Geheimnis aller Religionen, das in unserer Mitte verborgen ist: das Herz."

"All alone in space and time,
there's nothing here,
but what - here's
is mine."
Merkaba Vehicle within a Flower of Life

:::: Placebo + Every Me & Every You ::::

“It has been said that beauty is the splendour of truth.
Now moral beauty is goodness. It is beautiful to be good.
To be intelligently good, one must be just.
To be just, one must act reasonably.
To act reasonably, 
one must 
have the knowledge of reality.
To have the knowledge of reality,
one must have consciousness of truth.
To have consciousness of truth,
one must have an exact notion of being.”
--Eliphas Lévi
Mirrors of the Soul 2024 Osmi Mart
               D.M. = DuÅ¡a Moja    = = Friday.en
          Majestic One = M.O. = Modus Operandi            
Operation Majestic Twelve manchmal abgekürzt MJ-12 oder MJ-XII
"Jetzt gibt's was auf die zwölf!" 
J.M. = M.J.
Jedna Marka
Eine D.M. (1967)
Mirrors of the Soul
Spiegel der Seele
Ogledala Duše
DuÅ¡a Moja 
SVS OMmmmm
S.V.S. Osmi Mart
               Sretan Vam Svima Osmi Mart