Thursday, March 7, 2024

Cosmic U.R. Elves = C. Universal Response E.

joj majko moja mila pravo fine cure ove vile
Cosmic U.R. Elves = C. Universal Response E.
evo ova vila na ovoj slici sada ja sama i prava je maza mmmm
    Know thyself /// Γνῶθι σεαυτόν \\\    
European Communiy = (German) Europäische Gemeinschaft
Greetings Earthlings = G.E. = E.G. = Europäische Gemeinschaft
Greetings Earthlings+European Community & Special Greetings 2 Zienna Sun.
 Z. Sun is a European Woman from Denmark who lives in the U.S. of America.
You can see her on the photo above and her last name is Sonne, which
means Sun in German... & by the way: I have not been in Miami
yet & I like the furniture in this house. Less is more.
post scriptum = p.s.

Typische Waldfelslandschaft+Blick auf Schrammsteine mit Falkenstein
:::::      Schild der Nationalparkregion Sächsische Schweiz      :::::
Saxonian Switzerland (English) = Sächsische Schweiz (German)
& now :::::::: Art by Yoshi Sodeoka & others
Official Video by Yoshi Sodeoka
Max Cooper feat. Kwake Bass
Fibonnaci Sequence
D.J. @ C.R.
Terence McKenna :::: Thinking Allowed
:::: "Time and the I Ching" (1988) ::::
a german computer science book for engineers
         Thursday, March 7, 2024         
Dwayne Johnson @ Conscious Reminder
Donnerstag der 7. März 2024
Tag des Donners (Deutsch) = Day of Thunder (English)
:: two women of the third book ::
Battle For Disclosure
2 Book Series
2 B.S.
Beogradski Sindikat
The Thrid Book = T.T.B. = T.B.T. ::::
Private Corporation Tech Giant Hanz Wolfgang is indicted for covering up strange and possibly dangerous technology. The suspicions of the American public become unruly as some claim Wolfgang is hiding technology that may be extraterrestrial in origin, causing President Trump to consider a raid on the mad scientists corporation. Government officials discuss plans with Disclosure activist Dr. Steven Greer who advises the president of the dangerous game of unacknowledged secret programs. Little do they know, Wolfgang is a master on the world stage and has been developing his technology to rule off-planet. Death knells ring and so begins the Battle for Disclosure. ::::