Sunday, November 3, 2024

B.L. = Bogata Luka

Bogata Luka (serbian/croatian/bosnian) = Rich Haven (english)
Puerto Rico (spanish) = Reicher Hafen (german)
💫🔮          A Brief Letter 4U         🔮💫 

Hi folks,
Adam, the judge of the small town of Huisum
in the Netherlands, is found dressing a wound on his leg
by his secretary Licht, when Licht enters Adam's home in the morning. 
Licht also notices a large gash on Adam's face. Adam tells Licht that he received 
these wounds when he fell down after getting out of bed this morning and hit his head on
the fireplace. Licht also comments 
on Adam's clubfoot.
  • Adam – the judge.
  • Eve – a country girl.
  • Licht – the judge's secretary.
  • Walter – the man who comes to inspect Adam and the way he runs his court.
  • Frau Marthe – Eve's mother.
  • Ruprecht – a young man who is in love with Eve.
jug (srpski/serbian) = der Süden (deutsch/german) = the south (english)
san (srpski/serbian) = der/ein Traum (deutsch/german) = the/a dream (english)
sanjati (srpski/serbian) = träumen (deutsch/german) = to dream/dreaming (english)
OK gut... und nun:
Das Wappen von Letter,
ein Stadtteil von Seelze bei Hannover.
Pismo (srpski i hrvatski) = Brief (deutsch) = Letter
Krug (srpski i hrvatski) = Kreis (deutsch) = Circle (english)
Å¡estar (srpski i hrvatski) = Zirkel (deutsch) = Compass (english)
Vladimirovo  Pismo (srpski) = Vladimir's Brief (deutsch) = Vladimir's Letter (english)
 Tiefschwarz feat. Eric D'Clark BLOW

Dieses Standardwerk wurde vollständig
überarbeitet und deutlich erweitert.
Auf über 2700 Seiten enthält es
das umfangreiche Fachwissen
zur Mediengestaltung
Digital und Print.
Der gestiegene
Umfang des Werkes machte
eine Aufteilung in 4 Bände erforderlich:
. I. Konzeption und Gestaltung
 (ISBN 978-3-642-54580-1)

. II. Medientechnik (ISBN 978-3-642-54584-9)

. III. Medienproduktion Print (ISBN 978-3-642-54578-8)

. IV. Medienproduktion Digital (ISBN 978-3-642-54582-5)
::::::::::          Hermits & Energy          ::::::::::

"Let's take hermits. People today think being a hermit is a very unhealthy thing to do. Very antisocial, doesn't contribute anything to everybody else - because everybody else is busy contributing like blazes, and a few people have to run off and get out of the way. But I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything. That every little insect that comes buzzing around you is a messenger, and that little insect is connected with human beings everywhere else. You can hear. You become incredibly sensitive in your ears and you hear far-off sounds. And just by the very nature of isolating yourself and becoming quiet, you become intensely aware of your relationship with everything else that's going on.

So if you really want to find out how related you really are, try a little solitude off somewhere, and let it begin to tell you how everything is interdependant in the form of what the Japanese call 'jijimugi'. 'Ji' means a 'thing event,' so it means 'between thing event and thing event, there is no block.' Every thing in the world, every event, is like a dewdrop on a multidimentional spider's web, and every dewdrop contains the reflection of all the other dewdrops. But you see, the hermit finds this out through his solitide, and so also human beings can aquire a certain solitude, even in the middle of New York City. It's rather easier, as a matter of fact, to find solitude in New York City than it is in Des Moines, Iowa.

But the point is that a human represents a certain kind of development, wherein a maximal sense of his oneness with the whole universe goes hand in hand with the maximum development of his personality as somebody unique and different. Whereas the people who are of course trying to develop their personality directly and taking a Dale Carnegie course on how to win friends and influence people, or how to become successful - all those people come out as if they came from the same cookie cutter. They don't have any personality."

--Alan Watts

Suzanne Vega @KCRW in 2001

Die Chaosforschung oder Chaostheorie bezeichnet ein nicht klar umgrenztes Teilgebiet der nichtlinearen Dynamik bzw. der dynamischen Systeme innerhalb der mathematischen Physik oder angewandten Mathematik.
Luci.'s Cade. Vaga.@Roma.
 )))) eDoor ((((
)))) Rico Sopepenberg (((()))) 28.07.2024 ((((

Aberration (von lateinisch aberratio: „Abirrung“, „Verirrung“, „Abweichung“) steht generell für verschiedene Abweichungen: In der Physik und Astronomie. Siehe auch: Aberratio ictus, im Strafrecht das Fehlgehen einer Tat.

Luciano's Vagabundos [2011]
Die Chaostheorie = D.C. @ÄTät@
Warum  vergeht Zeit? @100SekundenPhysik

::::::  Danas P.S.G. = Da. Pre Sedamnaest Godina  ::::::
sometimes  My Bloody Valentine