:::: :::: :::: :::: [Alpha Ochse]A.O.SayS:"Hannover is safe &........"
“In other words, often the new past takes hold so beautifully that the old one becomes unreal, forgotten, and in practical psychological terms, unreal – for we no longer even react to it. Instead, all of our present actions and our attitudes toward them are based upon an entirely different hypothesis that is quite as valid to us as the old one. Sometimes this new past is so radically different from the old one that friends and relatives object.”
“Yet each present action changes the past, for those past events were only the mountaintops or three-dimensional tips of far greater happenings. Each act causes the surface crust of time and space to shift slightly. Probable events are the psychological pre-acts from which physical events emerge; the creative inner stuff from which actions take earth form.”
"Only when our awareness directly intersects with the three-dimensional field do events take on this same sharp reality as objects (which are, of course, events of a different kind). Only then do they seem solid psychologically. But once we’ve passed them in time, their true fluidity and plasticity returns. We don’t ever meet them in time the same way again.”
“Because of their very plastic nature, we have a constant probable past to work with. Events as we remember them are far more important than those that may have “actually” happened. Our changing attitudes are a part of each event we remember. Extensions of it reach literally from any “now point” backward into the past and ahead into the future.”
- “Adventures in Consciousness”, Chapter 13, (p159-160)
“The focus personality is not complete except in its entire three-dimensional existence; at its death. All of the experiences exist at once despite its perception of them in serial form-but the events are ever changing as in the life instant of impact, energy bounces out in all probable directions. This causes constant motion and flux within the entire life pattern (see Diagram 12).”
“A motion at say, age eighty-two, can “displace” an event that “happened” at age twenty, and the choices we make in any now completely displace other acts, knocking them off the physical line of experience and out of focus and bringing up other events that, “until then” had been probable (see Diagram 13).”
“In our terms, this is more apparent toward the end of the living area when we have more past events to play with, and this is precisely when we often begin to play havoc with our official past. I think that some of my mother-in-law’s experiences involved this phenomenon, but other episodes in my own life also lead me toward this conclusion. Again, since we usually follow the recognized order of events, we’re not used to looking for such unofficial ones, and it takes work and energy to train ourselves to discover them. Certainly I intend to pursue this particular kind of study further.”
- “Adventures in Consciousness”, Chapter 19, (p241)
Along with this, Seth also had a quite a bit to say about changing the past in the following places as well:
- TES5, S234, (p. 291 – see the story of John X)
- SS, Ch 16, S566 (p. 232)
- SS, Appendix, ESP Class Session, Tuesday January 5, 1971, (p. 411)
- NOPR, Ch 15, S656 (p. 291)
:::: :::: :::: 350 MiLLion yEARs iN a sin+G+le PICTurE. :::: :::: ::::
:::: :::: :::: :::: C.D.Katana = Copper Damascus Kat. :::: :::: :::: ::::
Cold Steel,........@ÄT@ät >>>> https://www.battlemerchant.com/deutsches-langschwert-cold-steel?c=242
:::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: Hi Folks :)
I still have the 1991 Hi Jack CD Album since 1993 & I bought
The Moment Of Truth CD Album shortly after it was released in 1998. The Live concert in the
Hansestadt Bremen in 1998 was fantastic :D
I have also seen The British Band Gunshot in 1993 Live in the W.H. (((Weltspiele Hannover))) & even got a Woolen Hat (((((W.H.))))
from 1 of the Rappers after the concert :D & I only have 3
of their CDs left in my collection. I had 5 or 6 of their
CDs [MAXI singles
+ Album(((((+"s"?????maybe
only 1 Album. I'm not sure.)))))],
but 2 or 3 are missing now :( +.enJOY!!!!!THEMusicccckkkk:)
Photo Above >>>> That's M.[M.=Me] & D.M. = Daria Melnyk ((((((((fath:er:RUssian+moth:er:UKrainian))))))))
:::::::::::: That's Me<<<< Photo Below
Photo Above: M = 13 = L.A. = A.L. = Anastasia Laktionova
A Russian Woman In = A R.W.I.
T.N. = The Netherlands
Okto.S@UR+d.22TV &::8::& Octagon Sour C.R.E.A.M. fresh mmmm ;)
Russische Soldaten vor dem Wasserkraftwerk Kachowka in der Region Cherson