"A spyglass into the future, the past, and the dark present."
-- Former CIA spy and Harvard graduate
"The book chases the white rabbit all the way to hell.
What a maze!"
-- Former psychic spy
"This is the holy grail of weaponry that the
national security cabals
have been hiding."
-- Ted Gunderson, former head of the Los Angeles FBI
"For those who are religious, they will find that
judgement day is upon us. My god, what have we done?"
-- Christian Pastor
"Finally enough brave insiders are telling us what the
hell is going on
and what is planned."
-- MKULTRA project
"The next generation needs to answer some
difficult questions on what
the human race and their country should become."
-- A current politician
"An impressive integration of cybernetic
and psychological warfare."
-- Former Colonel in the Air Force